Free Embroidery Mobile App for Distributors!
Bruce Talks Turkey.. Brine, Brandy & Blessings..!

Say It Like You Mean It: Picking the Perfect Color!

The client may hand you a style guide for their corporate logo.. but how many times do you discuss choosing the perfect color for that " add-on" text? Your client pauses.. asks your opinion.. and then because they are unsure.. asks to think about, run it up the flagpole or otherwise sits and waffles.. Your order? Waits. 

Love this graphic that easily puts it in perspective for your client. Provide this resource - and grab your answer.  337175_391100537609894_1110464484_o

For choosing the perfect thread color hue, we have designed an awesome mobile app   exclusively for distributors ( click the link for more info or search Embroidery Unlimited in your app store) that includes digital thread card links , getting us closer to that perfect thread color. Consider the garment, consider the client, but use these digital tools to get your answer faster!~ 



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Anonymous, PPAI member

I am an active member of PPAI and your blog was recommended to me.. I have been in the industry for a while and am a top selling distributor. The content here Is very useful and reads more like short informative articles...

Good job. Keep it up, great tool. Imet Bruce while he was on the board and I am ver impressed.. C

Bruce Perryman

Your comment is nicely done. Thank You so much.


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