......differ from Social Networking? Or does it ? Some months ago, in light of business conditions, I was speaking with a colleague who was off to do something he hadn't done in years. Attending a meeting of a business networking group in hopes of generating business. Early in 2008, with an interest in Web 2.0, I attended a presentation about Web 2.0 techniques and applications. By a show of hands the audience was clearly defined by generation when it came to knowledge about the subject and the tools employed in pursuitt of Web 2.0.
Fast forward....today Web 2.0 is being defined by that buzz word...... Social Networking. The idea of social networking has changed, If ever so slightly, in that you can build a place for "communities", tribes or stalkers.
The significant difference is the introduction of the various tools, digitally based, that allow participation in such communities. Not only is it efficient to participate it can be much more effective. Blogging and applications like facebook and twitter demand engagement and participation both on a personal / professional level and for some as a consumerer. Did you know that Coke's fans on facebook outnumbered those of Pepsi?
stay on the offensive and celebrate the smalll victories...........