........new tricks. It's not very often that I pay attention to my age. Seems as though that was always the problem. Too often, it seemed, people were telling me to grow up. Now that I am what is there to do? Recently,I realized that I've been in the Business world forever. Especially if you count my earliest jobs such as a newspaper carrier, a deli clerk, etc. Most of these jobs I found to be challenging but more importantly fun!
Owning a business has been the best of all worlds. More evident now than at any other time. The excitement is palpable. While running the day to day stuff we owners also have to ponder the future. Where are we going, what's the best way to get there, how am I going to do that? The list goes on and resembles, in some cases, a "bucket list".
Today a client stopped in and recounted her lunch meeting. There was a panel discussing social media. She was quite animated as she spoke of the possibilities. She doesn't blog, rarely Twitters but has a great website (www.ctdpromotions.com). But she gets IT! IT being the power and possibilities of embracing change!
Old Dogs can become new again.........embrace change.
stay on the offensive and celebrate the small victories........