.com. My wife, Suzanne, blogs @ www.specialneedsmom.com. Blogging is her way of sharing in the lives of others whose children are afflicted with a variety of health issues. As new parents, like so many before us, we had no idea of what it would be like to deal with a special needs child let alone two. My daughters Olivia and Zoe have a rare genetic disorder, mitochondrial disease, that is degenerative. So little is known about this disease that we've come to have no expectations and live in the moment. The best way to understand the challenge is in this analogy. As adults you and I awake each morning as fully charged D cell batteries. Ollie and Zoe awake as half charged, if their lucky, AAA batteries. If I dwell on the what if's, think too long about the future or wonder why, I'd be missing too much of the here and now. An better appreciation for that old cliche "Life is too short".
Don't get me wrong, I've had my moments. It's only human nature to wonder why. To worry, to feel.....
Whew! And just like that it's time to go home and play with the girls!
stay on the offensive and make a difference.............