For no specific reason I waited, until 50, to become a father. In reflecting on my life's journey I realized that becoming a father would be the most significant achievement in another wise exceptionally rewarding life. The girls, Olivia nearly 5 and Zoe just past 3, are everything you would expect from kids..............and more I can assure you. Many of you can relate so I won't bore you with the tales of joy, sorrow and frustration.
Olivia will be starting Kindergarten in about three weeks. In preparation for the start of this new experience the school sent home a rather extensive list of supplies that we, the parents, will be responsible for procuring. Now I have, over the years, had many friends who are school teachers. They often decried the state of books, supplies etc. available in the classrooms. Not to mention the dreadful pay scales and working conditions! Well, not having children in the system, I kinda gave it all a deaf ear. Naive? Apparently so. Looking over this list I was struck at just how ridiculous it is. How, in the richest country in the wold, do we arrive at this point?
The answer, should you listen to politicians, union leaders, school board administrators, et al, is fairly complex. What's complex is the scope of the denial. Education, in this country, has been at a "crossroads" (aka: state of decline) for as long as I can remember. There have been theories, new teaching methods tried, and measurement after measurement and still no meaningful results. The politicians, whether federal, state or locally elected school boards, have done what they always do best which is NOTHING! There are those, union leaders, rank and file members along with community activists, that claim more money and smaller class size will turn the tide. You're kidding right? Have you ever seen an increase in funding have the desired effect? Funding, in most cases, equates to administration NOT results.
And therein lies the problem. We, collectively, will chase our tails in hopes of someday achieving results. Mediocrity has become acceptable across the land.
With that said I'm looking forward to shopping and the first day of school. My dreams and aspirations for Olivia will guide me through these crucial years..........these are exciting times.